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  • School of Arts & Sciences
Name Title Department Email Phone
Kroupa, George Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences
Ksenzenko, Sergey Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3238
Kunkle, Daniel Lecturer | Religious Studies School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3238
Ladner, Debora Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences 228-202-1924
Lakernick, Albert Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences
Lamp, Mari Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3238
Lesnick, Monica Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences
Lewis, Anthony Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3238
Lipowski, Paul Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3238
Long, Cynthia Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3238
Mauldin, Stanley Associate Professor School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3556
McClain, Amanda Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3444
McClain, Dana Assistant Professor School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3607
McCourt, Paula Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences
McDonald, Stacy Professor School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3549
McElwaine, Patrick Associate Professor/Program Director Master's School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-4014
McGlinn, Sean Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3238
McGuire, Kelly Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3238
McIntyre, Timothy Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3238
McNellis, Robert Instructor, Temporary School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3238
Medio, Kimberly Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences
Menago, Diane Dir, Clinical Training & Dir, Doctor Psych Pr School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-4067
Moore, Michael Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-5012
Mudrick Smiley, Susan Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3238
Murphy, Anne Field Placement and Outreach Coordinator School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-4065