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Name Title Department Email Phone
Howse, Jennifer Lecturer 267-341-3246
Hufnell, Ellen Lecturer School of Nursing & Health Sciences 267-341-3293
Hughes, Jami Assistant Athletic Director 267-341-3347
Humphries, Christine Kids Club Co-Director 267-341-3486
Hunt, Fr Mark Associate Professor School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-4045
Hunton, Annamarie
Hunzinger, Katherine Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences
Hwang, Alexander Assistant Professor School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3667
Iascone, Florinda
Ilagan, Annielyn Transfer Evaluation Specialist Registrar 267-341-3212
Ingbritsen, Ellieen Lecturer School of Education 267-341-3246
Inguilli, Charles Lecturer School of Business & Technology
Izmaylova, Anastasia Lecturer
Jackson, Andrea Lecturer School of Nursing & Health Sciences 267-341-3293
Jacob, Jiffy
Jacobs, Mary Joan Instructor 267-341-3254
James, Rosamma Lecturer School of Nursing & Health Sciences 267-341-3293
Jamison, Kimberly Recruiter, Graduate and Second Degree Program Admissions 267-341-3024
Jenkins, Brittany Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3238
Jenkins, Donna
Jeromy, Hieu
Jester, Christopher Director of Enrollment Communication Admissions
Jimenez, Natacha Lecturer School of Nursing & Health Sciences
Joergensen, Patricia Professor/Associate Dean School of Education 267-341-3677
Johansen, Mary Carroll Professor School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3365