Pace, Daniel
Lecturer |
School of Arts & Sciences |
267-341-3238 |
Pahnlick, Christopher
Manager of Printing and Mail Services |
Duplicating Services |
267-341-3276 |
Pailo, Ambily
Lecturer |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
267-990-2842 |
Palmer, Jane
Science Laboratory Coordinator |
School of Arts & Sciences |
267-341-3255 |
Palmer, Patricia
Assistant Professor |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
267-341-3299 |
Paluch, Patricia
University Advancement Operations Manager |
Advancement |
267-341-5005 |
Palumbo, Gina
Technical Services Coordinator |
Library |
267-341-3311 |
Panek, Janet
Athletic Trainer |
267-341-3664 |
Paone, Samantha
Associate Director, Financial Aid |
Financial Aid |
267-341-3451 |
Parisi Cummings, Melinda
Associate Professor |
School of Arts & Sciences |
267-341-4015 |
Parone, Dominic
Lecturer |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
267-341-3293 |
Parsons, Wendy
Vice President, University Advancement |
Advancement |
(267) 341-5008 |
Patel, Hardik
Lecturer |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
267-341-3293 |
Patel, Parth
Paterson, Gerald
Lecturer |
School of Education |
267-341-3246 |
Paul, Ansamma
Lecturer |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
267-341-3293 |
Pawlowski, Alexander
Paz, Veronica
Peele, Kim
Science Laboratory Aide |
School of Arts & Sciences |
267-341-3255 |
Pegg, Christopher
Lecturer |
School of Arts & Sciences |
267-341-3238 |
Pelosi, Angela
Lecturer |
School of Education |
267-341-3246 |
Perez, Joseph
Mail Services Clerk |
267-341-3260 |
Perry, Carla
Peter Abraham, Saramma
Lecturer |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
267-341-3293 |
Peters, Jennifer
Senior Admissions Counselor |
Admissions |
215-341-3415 |