Sibilia, Collin
Lecturer |
School of Arts & Sciences |
267-341-3289 |
Sibilia, Collin
Lecturer |
School of Arts & Sciences |
267-341-3289 |
Siju, Jyothi
Lecturer |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
267-341-3293 |
Silver, Hadass
Assistant Professor |
School of Arts & Sciences |
Simon, Rony
Sinback, Jillian
Lecturer |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
Siniscalchi, Glenn
Sister Angela Cresswell
Assistant, Mission Office |
267-341-3687 |
Sister Julianna
Sister Marcella
Sister Mary Joan
Instructor |
267-341-3254 |
Sitelman, Liora
Sloh, Kau
Lecturer |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
Slonina, Emma
Assistant Professor |
School of Arts & Sciences |
Slowik, David
Lecturer |
School of Business & Technology |
267-341-5012 |
Smink, Tina
Lecturer |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
267-341-3293 |
Smith, Angela
Assistant Volleyball Coach |
Athletics |
Smith, Candace
Smith, Jessica
Lecturer |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
267-341-3293 |
Smith, Shareeta
Student Account Specialist |
Finance and Administration |
267-341-3202 |
Smith, Walt
Asst Cross Country Track & Field Coach |
267-341-3368 |
Smolenski, Marie
Lecturer |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
Snyder, Danielle
Lecturer |
School of Education |
267-341-3246 |
Snyder, Jill
Director of Campus Ministry |
Campus Ministry |
(267) 341-3261 |
Socha, Maureen
Lecturer |
School of Nursing & Health Sciences |
267-341-3293 |