Holy Family University Celebrates the Class of 2024 with 900 Graduates During its 67th Commencement

Holy Family University President Anne Prisco conferred degrees on 285 graduate/doctoral students and 566 undergraduate students comprising the Class of 2024 during the University’s 67th Commencement Exercises on Saturday, May 18, 2024, at the Newtown East Campus location.

Addressing the Class of 2024, Dr. Prisco reminded them of the importance of the four cardinal virtues – wisdom, courage, moderation, and justice – that ancient Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato argued form the bedrock of a good character and a well-lived life.

“These classical virtues resonate deeply with Catholic Social Teaching, a rich tradition that calls us to build a just and compassionate society,” Dr. Prisco said.  “In our faith, we are reminded that wisdom is not merely intellectual knowledge but a gift from God that helps us discern truth and act with prudence. Our university's motto, “teneor votis” - I am bound by my responsibilities," echoes the profound connection between these virtues and our duty to serve others. As graduates of Holy Family University, you have been equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values to answer this call. Whether you pursue careers in business, education, healthcare, the arts, or any other field, remember that your work is not merely a means to an end but an opportunity to contribute to the common good. Use your talents and passions to create a more just and equitable world, one where all people can flourish.”

Honorary degree recipient and guest speaker for the graduate ceremony Sarita E. Brown offered words of advice to those how now secured advanced degrees.

“Seek what you need, and if you don’t find it, build it,” said Brown, a former administrator at the University of Texas at Austin and American University who has been lauded for her positive impact and service to increasing educational opportunities for Latino students through her launch of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund Institute and the creation of the not-for-profit Excelencia in Education. “As graduates, you are the most compelling measure of this University.  You step into the arena when this country, in fact, the world is at a crossroad. It feels like everything is up for grabs, and the stakes are so high. What each of us does now, matters, more than ever.  Each of us must participate.  We must vote, and we must serve. Strive to meet important challenges.  Care deeply, laugh hard, and push yourself to keep trying to do better – even if it’s inconvenient, even if it takes more time, even if it feels like you will have to work harder – because this is the path to a fulfilling life.”

Honorary degree recipient Dr. Donald Generals, president of Philadelphia Community College and a 35-year educator who has proven his devotion to providing educational access and opportunities to more than 25,000 students annually, offered remarks to the undergraduate members of the Class of 2024.

“As foot soldiers in the 4th Industrial Revolution, it will be up to you, as the college-educated citizen, to ensure that social and racial justice, fairness, equality, and access to opportunities continue to be the hallmarks of this great democracy and our social compact,” Dr. Generals said in his remarks. “ Your journey will be marked by a willingness to solve problems, to transform lives, and to serve the great good for our democratic prospect. Go forth. Be bold, and make your mark.”



Jan Giel