Holy Family University Celebrates Nativity and Tree Lighting Ceremony: An Interfaith Celebration

Students, staff, alumni, family, and friends from the Holy Family University community gathered outside Holy Family Hall on Thursday, December 1 to celebrate the return of the University's Nativity and Tree Lighting Ceremony to welcome the Advent season.
Guests gathered to hear the blessing of the Nativity by Sister Rita Fanning, CSFN, '89, vice president of Mission Integration. Following the lighting of the Nativity scene, Holy Family carolers sang as they walked to the Campus Center.
In the Campus Center Lobby, the festivities continued with lighting the Christmas tree and honoring the faith traditions present on campus and in our community through interfaith blessings offered by students Sophia Paz and Reva Mindel. Following that, Michelle Dolan '92 spoke about the rich history of the University's Christmas Rose tradition.
To conclude the festivities, guests traveled to the Campus Center Dining Commons for light refreshments and snacks where they were met by Santa Blue for holiday photos.
Special thanks to all participants and those who also assisted with coordinating the Nativity and Tree Lighting Ceremony event, including Meghan Rakus '19 M'22 and Julie Rempfer '10, director for Alumni and Parent Relations.