Holy Family University Doctor of Counseling Psychology in Counseling Psychology (PsyD) Cohort Completes First Year of Five-Year Program

Holy Family University’s largest-ever cohort of students enrolled in the Doctor of Counseling Psychology in Counseling Psychology program completed their challenging first-year in the five-year program, collaborating on a number of events that bolstered their classroom learning. The 17 students teamed to host the University’s annual Fall Ethics Forum: The Ethical Psychologist in Your Community.  They also assisted Kate Coffey, director of Campus Advocacy, Prevention, and Education in hosting “Take Back the Night,” a powerful and impactful event designed to address and combat sexual violence on college campuses. 

“These events have given our cohort the opportunity to learn valuable team-building skills and to create a sense of community throughout our journey together, “ doctoral student Rhea Debnath said. “Our cohort is very diverse, and that diversity has led to enriching and valuable discussions that include new perspectives about our personal experiences. Not only have we been learning to navigate being part of a large cohort, but the faculty has been accommodating to our needs so that we can have the best shared learning experience.”

“The PsyD program is rigorous, challenging, and rewarding,” said Program Director Dr. Diane Menago.  “These students have a lot of exciting opportunities on the horizon. There are so many times throughout the program when their minds are filled with stress and the pressures to get the A.  I want our students to focus on the process and not just the end product.  I want them to enjoy the journey and ask themselves, ‘What kind of clinician do want to be?’.”












Jan Giel