Holy Family University Students Participate in Synod on Synodality with Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez

Holy Family University students and Sister Rita Fanning, CSFN, ’89, vice president of Mission Integration, Jill Snyder, director of Campus Ministry, and Father Timothy Tarnacki, OSPPE, campus chaplain, joined representatives from several Philadelphia colleges and universities for the second Synod on Synodality with Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez at Neumann University on January 24.
The Holy Family University student body was represented by Esha Dean, Maya Myers, Kawish Sadaqat, Mehwish Sadaqat, and Julian Stewart.
Throughout the world, Pope Francis has invited people to gather together in conversation, sharing their hopes and dreams for the Catholic Church today and in the future. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is the only Archdiocese to have a Synod presence on college campuses to hear from the “future of the church.” Last April, Archbishop Pérez highlighted contributions by college students in his report about Philadelphia to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), which were included in the USCCB’s national report to the Vatican. The comments made by the college students from these Synods made their way directly to Pope Francis.
This second Synod on Synodality focused on moving forward with all that the students had shared in the previous session and included a question and answer session with Archbishop Pérez. Members of the Archdiocesan offices of Eucharistic Revival, Young Adult Ministry, Synod Initiatives, Youth Ministry, and a member of the USCCB advisory committee for higher education were also present.