Philopatrian Scholars

Philopatrian Scholars
Dr. Prisco with the Holy Family student recipients of the Philopatrian Scholarship, (left to right) Kawish Sadaqat, Abigail Dolan, and Gianna Zaccone, with Gavin Keirans, President of the Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute.

As one of the leading Catholic institutions of higher education in the Philadelphia region, Holy Family’s students are eligible for generous scholarship opportunities throughout the Diocese.

Three Holy Family University students – Abigail Dolan ’24Kawish Sadaqat ’24, and Gianna Zaccone ’24 – received scholarships from the Catholic Philopatrian Scholarship Foundation, a scholarship fund established by Philadelphia’s Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute for Catholic colleges and universities in the Philadelphia area. A historic Philadelphia landmark, the Philopatrian was founded in 1850 and is the oldest private club of its kind in the nation.

(left to right) Philip Earley, member of Holy Family University’s President’s Advisory Council and the Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute Board of Directors, Mary Keirans Vassallo ‘85, member of the Holy Family University Board of Trustees, and her husband Dr. Richard Vassallo, Dr. Anne Prisco.
(left to right) Philip Earley, member of Holy Family University’s President’s Advisory Council and the Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute Board of Directors, Mary Keirans Vassallo ‘85, member of the Holy Family University Board of Trustees, and her husband Dr. Richard Vassallo, Dr. Anne Prisco.