Tuition Appeal

Tuition Appeal Policy

All students are subject to Holy Family University’s policy on withdrawal and refunds. However, students may request a tuition appeal when special circumstances prevent compliance with the published deadlines.

On rare occasions students may experience extenuating circumstances that warrant exceptions to the published policy. Students may request University consideration for an exception by completing the Tuition Appeal form. Tuition appeals are reviewed by the Assistant Controller/Director of Student Accounts.

Required Criteria

Students seeking an appeal must meet the following criteria:

  • A direct cause-and-effect relationship can be demonstrated between the extenuating circumstances and the student’s ability to persist in his/her course(s).
  • Circumstances experienced and their resultant impact were not foreseeable and/or could not have been reasonably prevented during the time period in question.
  • Relevant documentation can be furnished from an appropriate authority to support the claim. Documentation must be on official letterhead of the office of the issuing authority and include the contact information. Examples include a letter from a physician, commanding officer, employer, etc. Please note that all documentation is kept confidential.


General fees are excluded from the refund request. The student will still be responsible for the general fee even if the appeal request is approved. General fees are not reversed, they are non-refundable.

Deadline to Request an Appeal

All requests for appeals to the Holy Family University refund policies must be submitted within 60 days from the last day of the term which the circumstance occurred.

University Decision

The requesting student will be notified of the University’s decision approximately six to eight weeks from the time of submission of all documentation.

Instructions for Submitting a Request for a Tuition Appeal:

Please note that submission of an appeal will not act as a withdrawal from ongoing classes. If you have any other questions, please contact the Office of Student Accounts at 267-341-3202.

A complete request must include the following:

  • Completed, signed and dated Tuition Appeal Form; and
  • A typed detailed personal statement (please limit this to 1 page); and
  • Relevant and supporting documentation that pertains to the time period at issue.

Incomplete requests will be closed and denied but may be re-opened once the required documentation is submitted as long as they are received within 30 days from the date of the original denial.


A Tuition Appeal must meet the following Criteria:

  • All requests for appeals to the Holy Family University Refund Policies must be submitted within 60 days from the last day of the term during which the circumstance occurred.
  • A direct “cause and effect” relationship can be demonstrated between the extenuating circumstances and the student’s ability to successfully complete his/her course(s).
  • Circumstances experienced and their resulting impact were unforeseeable and/or could not have been reasonably prevented during the time period in question.
  • Relevant documentation can be furnished from an appropriate authority to support the claim. Documentation must be signed and on official letterhead of the issuing authority and include the contact information for this authority. See below for examples of supporting documentation.


Examples of Relevant and Supporting Documentation

Medical Issue

A signed letter from physician/medical provider stating 1) the date(s) of the onset and duration of the condition and 2) how the condition impaired your ability to continue/complete courses. Please do NOT send medical records or bills.

Military Duty

Deployment orders/PCS orders/TPY orders; Memo from Commanding Officer to address issues not covered by military orders.

Death of Immediate Family Member

Death certificate or obituary. The submitted documentation must show date of death and family relationship.

The following issues cannot be addressed through this process:

  • Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
  • Disputes regarding denial of financial aid or the amount awarded
  • Alleged arbitrary and capricious grades
  • Complaints about class instruction or curriculum.

Tuition Appeal Form

Student Information

Required Documentation

  1. Completed, signed and dated Tuition Appeal Form; and
  2. A typed detailed personal statement (please limit this to 1 page); and
  3. Relevant and supporting documentation that pertains to the time period at issue.
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