MSCHE Steering Committee
HFU identified key personnel for its Steering Committee, with co-chairs for the overall self-study and co-chairs for each of the seven Standards of Accreditation. The membership includes representation from all campus community constituencies – faculty, staff, administrators, students, alumni, and the Board of Trustees. The Steering Committee is responsible for providing leadership in identifying key issues for Self-Study, establishing and articulating a charge to the working groups, monitoring progress through all stages of the process, and developing and implementing a comprehensive communications plan for keeping internal and external constituents apprised of key developments in the Self-Study process.
The Steering Committee meets regularly to share results and to articulate areas in need of strengthening to continue meeting the Standards of Accreditation at the highest level. The meeting minutes, related documents, documentation roadmap, and self-study draft documents are housed in a secure Canvas site. The university community is kept informed of the self-study process through a dedicated website, electronic media, review of the drafts of the self-study, and most importantly, through widespread inclusion on the subcommittees of the Steering Committee.
MSCHE Steering Committee
Self-Study Chair: Bernice Purcell
Standard I: Mission & Goals
Shannon Brown
Sister Josita Churla, CSFN
Daniel Bramer
Father Mark Hunt
Mike McNulty-Bobholz
Tim O’Driscoll
Skaria (Roshan) Pulimkalayil
Melissa Cahill
Sister Loretta Teresa Felici, CSFN
Standard II: Ethics & Integrity
Jennifer Luling
Marianne Price
Daniel Bramer
Jennifer DeCicco
Don Goeltz
Amanda Mouser
Bernice Purcell
Standard III: The Student Experience
Jenai Grigg
Roseanne Wright
Elizabeth Carroll
Kimberly Dasche-Yee
Glenn Gatlin
Freda Ginsberg
Don Goeltz
Margaret Harkins
Father Mark Hunt
Michael Markowitz
Patrick McElwaine
Shana Narita
Cynthia Russell
Abigail Wernicki
David Whelan
Dockery Dana
Standard IV: Support of the Student Experience
Karen Galardi
Dennis Millan
Shannon Brown
Lauren Campbell
Angela Cutchineal
Kimberly Dasch-Yee
Janice Hetrick
Amanda Mouser
Ann Marie Vickery
Corine Williams
Amber Welsh-Miller
Standard V: Assessment
Bernice Purcell
Angela Cutchineal
Glenn Gatlin
Mark Green
Jenai Grigg
Patrick McElwaine
Shana Narita
Roseanne Wright
Ashley Beam
Standard VI: Resources, Planning and Improvement
Anne McMahon
Eric Nelson
Abigail Wernicki
Christina Bender
Kate Breslin
Karen Galardi
Freda Ginsberg
Jennifer Luling
Michael Markowitz
Corine Williams
Alyssa Mikulski
Michael Ulrich
Sister Loretta Teresa Felici, CSFN
Matthew McFillin
Sean O'Hara
William Strecker
Standard VII: Governance, Leadership and Administration
Kate Breslin
Jennifer DeCicco
Elizabeth Carroll
Don Goeltz
Jennifer Luling
Michael Markowitz
Amanda Mouser
Bernice Purcell
David Whelan
Laura Carroll
Julie Rempfer
Sr. Loretta Teresa Felici, CSFN
Sr. Thea Krause, CSFN
Bruce Miller
Sr. Celine Warnilo