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Philosophy, Minor

The minor in Philosophy provides students with the opportunity to enhance their education with a firm grounding in the practice of analysis and critical thinking characterized by the careful exploration of philosophical concepts.

What Can I Do with this Minor?

With an emphasis on ethical theory and practice supplemented by offerings in basic areas of philosophical concepts, the Philosophy minor is an enriching accompaniment to any major. The full-time philosophy faculty will tailor a variety of alternative minors to suit individual students.

The Philosophy minor prepares students to pursue careers in law, education, and even medicine in that it instills careful, analytic thinking skills that will serve the lawyer or the teacher or the health professional well in their careers. Those same skills will benefit the students who need to take the LSATs, MCATs, or GREs.

More than ever before, today’s citizens need the ability to think independently and critically: locally, nationally, and globally. No other subject trains the student’s ability to be as critical and as cautious about accepting or rejecting political, social, or moral arguments. Philosophy is thus a premier gateway to mature and responsible and active citizenship. The Philosophy minor offers courses that involve the student in serious pursuit of those goals.

Some career paths that students consider include:

  • Lawyer
  • Management consultant
  • Marketing manager
  • Nonprofit professional
  • Policy Analyst
  • Psychologist 
  • Reporter
  • Sales representative
  • Teacher 


Program Information

Degree Awarded
  • Minor
Program Type
  • Minor
Program Location
  • Main Campus - Northeast Philadelphia
Required Credit Hours
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