Position Filled: Office Assistant - English Program |
School Arts and Sciences - English |
5-8 per week |
Dr. Ficociello and Dr. Rampelli |
267-341-3032 |
rficociello@holyfamily.edu |
Game Room Moderator |
Student Engagement |
6 hours per week |
Shaquille McCoy |
267-341-3515 |
smccoy@holyfamily.edu |
Academic Technology Design Assistant |
Academic Technology |
15 per week |
Gloria Carrasco |
267-341-3039 |
gcarrasco@holyfamiy.edu |
Position Filled - Athletics Statistician Assistant |
Athletics |
6 - 12 per week |
Zachary Durham |
267-341-3482 |
zdurham@holyfamily.edu |
Position Filled - Athletics Photographer |
Athletics |
6 - 12 per week |
Zachary Durham |
267-341-3482 |
zdurham@holyfamily.edu |
Position Filled - Campus Ministry Work-Study Student |
Campus Ministry |
10 per week |
Stephanie McCarthy |
267-341-3261 |
smccarthy@holyfamily.edu |
Position Filled - Library Assistant |
Library Services |
8-10 per week |
Stephanie Mendes |
267-341-3311 |
smendes@holyfamily.edu |
Curriculum Developer |
General Education |
5 - 10 per week |
Jenai Grigg |
267-341-3443 |
jgrigg@holyfamily.edu |
Admin/Outreach Assistant |
Career Development Center |
5 to 10 hours per week |
Brett Fucci |
267-341-3224 |
bfucci@holyfamily.edu |
Institutional Effectiveness Student Engagement Admin |
Institutional Effectiveness, Technology, and Innovation |
10 hours per week |
Colin Emrich |
267-341-3308 |
cemrich@holyfamily.edu |
Social Media Ambassador |
Marketing and Communications |
6 hours per week |
Jeff Gonsiewski |
267-341-3524 |
jgonsiewski@holyfamily.edu |
Intramural Support Staff |
Student Engagement |
5 hours per week |
Shaquille McCoy |
267-341-3515 |
smccoy@holyfamily.edu |
Position Filled - External Event Services Assistant |
Finance and Administration |
10-15 hours per week |
Jason Fusco and Christine O'Neil |
267-341-3516 |
jfusco2@holyfamily.edu |
Position Filled - Office Assistant - Education |
Education |
Hours: 15 - 20 a week |
Jacqueline Fox |
267-341-3434 |
jfox2@holyfamily.edu |
Positions Filled - Office Assistant - School of Nursing |
School of Nursing |
10 per week |
Maria Gonzalez |
267-341-3293 |
mgonzalez@holyfamily.edu |
Mascot Crew |
Student Engagement |
6 per week |
Shaquille McCoy |
267-341-3515 |
smccoy@holyfamily.edu |
Positions Filled - Fitness Center Assistant |
Athletics |
20 |
Dylan Ferron |
dferron@holyfamily.edu |
Printing Clerk |
Printing and Duplicating |
6 Hours per week |
Christopher Pahnlick |
267-341-3276 |
cpahnlick@holyfamily.edu |
Student Ambassador |
Undergraduate Admissions |
Up to 10 hours a week |
Katherine Darmohray |
267-341-3267 |
kdarmohray@holyfamily.edu |
Assistant Director of Orientation and Academic Success |
Office of Orientation and Academic Success |
5 - 10 per week |
Kendal Nichols |
267-341-3633 |
knichols@holyfamily.edu |
Position Filled - Help Desk Assistant |
IT (Helpdesk) |
12 |
Terence Maguire |
267-341-3491 |
tmaguire@holyfamily.edu |
Office Assistant - Graduate Admissions |
Graduate Admissions |
10 per week |
Shawn Kennedy |
267-341-5001 |
skennedy@holyfamily.edu |
Position Filled - Office Assistant |
Academic Advising |
up to 6 hours a week |
Kelly Canavin |
267-341-3226 |
kcanavin@holyfamily.edu |
Event Assistant |
Student Engagement |
8 |
Shaquille McCoy |
267-341-3515 |
smccoy@holyfamily.edu |
Content Creator |
Residence Life |
10-15 |
Troy Young |
267-341-3494 |
tyoung@holyfamily.edu |
Mailroom Clerk |
Mail Services |
15 |
Christopher Pahnlick |
267-241-3260 |
cpahnlick@holyfamily.edu |
Positions Filled - Office Assistant |
Registrar |
4+ |
Megan Lawler |
267-341-3349 |
mlawler@holyfamily.edu |
Position Filled: Office Assistant - Radiologic Science |
Radiologic Science |
6 hours per week |
Samantha Barteld |
267-341-3330 |
sbarteld@holyfamily.edu |
Position Filled - Office Assistant |
Financial Aid |
10 hours a week |
Samantha Paone |
267-341-3451 |
spaone@holyfamily.edu |
Science Lab Aide |
School of Arts & Sciences (SAS) |
Approximately 3-10 hours/week |
Jane Palmer |
267 - 341 - 3255 |
jpalmer814@holyfamily.edu |
Position Filled - Art Studio Maintenance |
Art |
Approximately 3 hours per week |
Pamela Flynn |
267-341-3418 |
pflynn12@holyfamily.edu |
Teacher's Assistant |
Alpha House |
Day: 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. |
Connie Dema |
267-341-3486 |
cdema@holyfamily.edu |
Position Filled - Student Support |
Tiger Tutoring |
Approximately 6 - 10 hours per week |
Alexis McCue |
267-341-3210 |
amccue@holyfamily.edu |
Peer Tutor-Level 1 |
Tiger Tutoring |
Approximate number of hours per week: 4-8 |
Alexis McCue |
267-341-3210 |
amccue@holyfamily.edu |
Position Filled - Athletics Event Support |
Athletic Department |
Up to 20 hours per week |
Jami Hughes |
267-341-3347 |
jhughes2@holyfamily.edu |