HFU students celebrating graduation at commencement


Countdown to Commencement









Commencement at Holy Family University is a time filled with joy, anticipation, laughter and lots of hope. 

  • Joy - in the successful completion of years of hard work, long nights, even longer papers and lots and lots of studying
  • Anticipation - of the next chapter; the new beginning that you’ve been preparing for over these years at HFU
  • Laughter - filled with happiness; family and friends; classmates and professors and staff and relief
  • Lots of Hope - in a future well prepared for as a professional and an alumnus of Holy Family University

The Administration Faculty and Staff have been honored to accompany all our graduates on their journeys to Commencement. We celebrate your accomplishment alongside you and your families and friends. We look forward to welcoming you back anytime as members of the Class of 2025!

See you on our Newtown East campus on Saturday, May 17, 2025.

  • Graduate ceremony begins promptly at 10:00 a.m.
  • Undergraduate ceremony begins promptly at 2:00 p.m.

Commencement Event Schedule

Students sitting in stands at the HFU Campus Center Gym

Countdown to Commencement

April 30, 2025, at 3:00 - 6:30 p.m. in the Campus Center Gym

Graduating students can pick up tickets, their cap and gown, cords if eligible, and student name cards. Students can also order class rings and commencement announcement cards, and purchase diploma frames.

Students will also learn about the Senior Class Legacy, a Holy Family tradition of giving back.

HFU students participating at Commencement event

Joyful Interfaith Prayer Service and Brunch

May 3, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. in Campus Center, Room 115

All graduates and their families are invited to an interfaith prayer service in the Campus Center, Room 115. A brunch for graduates and their guests will be hosted by Dr. Anne Prisco, HFU President, immediately following the Prayer Service in the Campus Center.

HFU students sitting during commencement ceremony

Mass of Joyful Celebration

May 15, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. in the Education and Technology Center Auditorium

All graduates and their families are welcome to join Most Reverend Bishop Michael J. Fitzgerald, (retired) Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia, for a Mass of Joyful Celebration on May 15, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. in the Education and Technology Center Auditorium. Mass will be followed by a Dessert Reception and Toast to the Class of 2025, given by University President, Dr. Anne Prisco.

Student holding up his diploma after receiving it at Commencement

Commencement - Graduate Ceremony

May 17, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. at the Newtown Campus

Watch the livestream of the 2024 ceremony!

Audience of undergrad students in caps and gowns at Commencement

Commencement - Undergraduate Ceremony

May 17, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. at the Newtown Campus

Watch the livestream of the 2024 ceremony!

Full Schedule of Commencement Events





April 28

4:00 - 5:30 p.m.

Celebration of Academic Excellence - Showcase of Student and Faculty Accomplishments

Campus Center Gym

April 28

6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Celebration of Academic Excellence - Award Ceremony

Campus Center Gym

April 28

7:30 - 9:00 p.m.

Celebration of Academic Excellence - Honor Society Inductions


April 30

3:00 - 6:30 p.m.

Countdown to Commencement - Graduating students can pick up tickets, their cap and gown, cords if eligible, and student name cards. Students can also order class rings and commencement announcement cards, and purchase diploma frames.

Campus Center Gym

May 3

10:00 a.m.

A Joyful Interfaith Prayer Service & Reception

RSVP Today

Campus Center Room 115

May 15

6:30 p.m.

Mass of Joyful Celebration

RSVP Today

ETC Auditorium

May 15

Following Mass

Reception - A reception hosted by President Anne Prisco, Ph.D. will follow the Mass. Family and friends are welcome to attend.

ETC Lobby

May 17

10:00 a.m.

Commencement - Graduate Ceremony

Newtown Campus

May 17

2:00 p.m.

Commencement - Undergraduate Ceremony

Newtown Campus

Graduate Information

Cap and Gown

Students participating in the Commencement Ceremony must wear full academic attire: cap with tassel, gown, and hoods. Cap and gown are provided to students without cost. However, orders must be placed by March 23, 2025 through Herff Jones.

Contact the HFU Bookstore or call them at 267-341-3588 for questions about academic attire.


For detailed ticket information, email the Commencement team.

Etiquette, Protocols and Processional

Commencement is a significant moment for graduates. It marks a pinnacle of achievement. Holy Family University celebrates the occasion with formal pomp and circumstance. To ensure the dignity and solemnity of this occasion, please be mindful of the following:

  • Arrive on Time: Graduates should arrive no later than 9:00 a.m. for the 10:00 a.m. Graduate ceremony and 1:00 p.m. for the 2:00 p.m. Undergraduate ceremony.
  • Clothing: Graduates and guests should wear appropriate business attire and comfortable, low heeled shoes since the ceremony is on the lawn. Graduates will be moving onto and off of the stage.
  • Personal Possessions: Graduates are advised not to bring personal possessions - purses, cameras, cell phones and other electronic devices.
  • Flowers, Balloons, Horns: Balloons, horns, and noisemakers of any kind are prohibited. Flowers should not be presented or worn until after the ceremony.
  • Cell Phones, Electronic Devices and Cameras: Cell phone and electronic devices are not to be used. Tripods and recording devices are not to be used. No person may approach the stage for any reason.
  • Applauding: Graduates and guests should refrain from applauding and cheering until the names of all the graduates are announced.
  • Food, Beverage, and Smoking: No food or beverages are permitted. Smoking is prohibited in the ceremony area. Designated spaces will be marked for your convenience.
  • Photographs: Professional photographers will take photos of graduates receiving their diplomas. These photos will be available for purchase.

Information Table

Graduates should check-in with the Information Table to be directed to the procession assembly point. 

Robing and Procession

Graduates will be helped with robing and given a name card. During the ceremony, the name card is handed to the administrator at the podium who will announce the graduate's name to the audience.

Phonetic Spelling

Correctly announcing the names of our graduates requires knowing the correct pronunciation. Graduates with uncommon pronunciations are encouraged to provide a phonetic spelling or pronunciation key.


Contact the Registrar's Office with questions concerning diplomas:

Office of the Registrar

Accounts and Financial Obligations

Prior to graduation, students must satisfy their financial obligations to Holy Family University, including all account balances, graduation fees, parking violations, and library fees. If a student’s balance is not paid or on a University payment plan, participation in Countdown to Commencement will be restricted including but not limited to not receiving cap/gown, graduation tickets, or walking in commencement. Questions regarding financial obligations should be directed to:

Office of Student Accounts
Holy Family Hall Room 202

Commencement Resources